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The Israeli action thriller “Fauda” is a groundbreaking global phenomenon. Based on the real-life experience of its creators, the series follows a team of elite Israeli undercover agents as they work to apprehend Hamas .activists in the West Bank
With down-and-dirty credibility, authentic performances, and a mixture of emotional extremity and honest storytelling, “Fauda” portrays the complex Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a new light, opening a window into the Middle East and .sparking meaningful dialogue about cultural identity.



Three roommates in their mid to late twenties, all on the autistic spectrum, share a sheltered apartment, learning to cope with the world around them. ON THE SPECTRUM allows glimpses into the intricate lives of young autistic adults and offers their unique view .and interpretation of day-to-day life.



After serving 17 years in prison for a murder conviction, Asa Katz receives an early release on the condition that he continues to cooperate with the police as their jailhouse informan. Asa returns to his old neighborhood and to his older brother David, a successful realtor who made his money in dubious business dealings. Conflicting interests put Asa in precarious situations, and he finds himself torn between his life of crime and his work with the police, all the while skillfully navigating both worlds to his advantage.



The life of brilliant judge Micha Alkoby is heading down a promising path, with a promotion coming soon. It all changes after his teenage son, Shai, is involved in a hit-and-run in which he’s the guilty party Just as Micah is about to turn Shai in, he learns the victim is a member of a crime family, the kind that runs its own system of justice.



When a half-way home for recently released prisoners faces permanent closure, the former prisoners face a dramatic junction - will they be able to integrate back into society? or will they be thrown back into their previous lives The series centers around Anat, an idealistic social worker and current manager of the group home, who deals with both the, shutting down of her life’s work and the reemergence of Niko her former ward and flame.


* For VOD service subscribers. Available to watch only on satellite set top box.
* For new private customers joining the plan. Excluding temporary libraries and channels, paid premium libraries and channels and paid VOD content. Subject to the terms of the special offer regulations on the yes website. There are differences in service features and content when using .a satellite converter and IP converter, and among the different IP converters.
* By completing the details, you consent to a yes representative contacting you by phone/SMS in order to complete the subscription process.